Third Wave and Tailor Made Biotechnological Applications

Third wave and tailor made biotechnological applications ( practically and environmental friendly alternatives to metallo- and organo-catalysis both in the laboratory and on an industrial scale to immobilization of the enzyme)

-Reusable co-enzymous micro- and nanoplatforms (have a broad substrate range and stability in organic solvents and long life; co-lipase plathforms, ADH plathforms)

-Tailor made and reusable enzymous reactors (for bicatalyst engineering)

-Multifunctional, stabil  and reusable co-enzymes (For multistep biocatalysis, for natural products based fuels,materials and for chemical feedstocks (non-natural products, for new pharmaceuticals, for new esters in cosmetics and personel care solutions)

-co-enzyme’s surface orientation on functional matrices